Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Asking for Help

Hello my dear friends we are in need of monetary help.

Let me just say, I am not one to ask for help unless it is very necessary. However, let me start from the beginning. 

Some of you may know that LeVell and I have been living from hotel to hotel since August 2022.  We had to move from our apartment in Norwalk, CA and no this was not an eviction. During our search we were unable to get approved. We were denied for separate times and since we had already given our notice, we thought we would just do the hotel thing for a bit. We attempted to save money and look for apartment, but it because really hard. Landlords wanted your whole life story, bank statements, pay statements, deposit and the first month’s rent. We soon realized they were not going to make it easy on renters period.

So we did what we needed to do to survive. At first I was embarrassed. Then I found out I have several friends that had to do the same thing for a while. That it wasn’t just us. Crazy it is more people them we realize. Getting though the holidays was really hard, but God got us through it. 

Year End was crazy. The job was really working me. I was working 20 hours a day, except Sundays. To add to my pain we had a RIF (Reduction In Workforce) starting the New Year. I was processing 2 to 3 payrolls a week. By March I was on the chopping block. 

March 8, 2023 was my last day. Once again I was hunting for a job. Which I had already started back in January. I was looking for part time work. To make extra money to get the apartment, but now it has become the job that is going to save us. However, before we get to the saving we need a little assistance. 

My background check is done and I am waiting on them to tell me my start date. I was hoping to start March 27th, but that day has come and gone. The realization is we are running out of cash. The unemployment check I receive was only for 1 week. I won’t be able to recertify until April 9th. I am hoping by then I am working with the new job. 

I have reopened my Uber account to connect to this cool website that allows you to rent cars for a decent price. It is called HyreCar. Only thing is I need $150 to even get that started.  We’ve reached out to the local shelter to see if there is any emergency housing we can apply for a couple of weeks. We are waiting for their response. 

To add to the perfect storm of things, LeVell lost is CA Real ID. We can’t get a replacement until we have an apartment because we have to bring paperwork to verify his residency. I think we can get a regular driver’s license, but that will have to be done when we can get the money flowing. Until then he can’t apply for a job.  

And now we have one week to get $870 together. I know..WOW. I can’t believe how high the rates are at the beginning of the month. It makes no sense. 

We are staying at the Budget Inn in Lawndale, CA.                                                                                     The rates are as follows:

April 2: $147            

April 3: $147           

April 4: $85    

April 5: $85

April 6: $85

April 7: $113

April 8: $113

April 9: $93

April 10: $85                                                                                                                                                                                      

What we are asking is if anyone would be so kind to pay for a one night stay? Or if you would be willing to give something to help us. I know this is a long stretch and I know we are all struggling with our own issues, but I was always taught if you don’t ask you won’t know what people can do for you. 

You know how private I can be. So you know this is really hard for me.                                                          

If you can help you can send money by these platforms:

Zelle: stace0701@gmail.com

Venmo: @SYMcClain      

Cash App: $istacysweets                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Or I can come get it. Just email me and we’ll set up some time to meet at a specific location. 

We appreciate anything you can do and we appreciate you! 

- Stacy


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Maybe I should start blogging again. 

We've don't a lot of stuff since I last blog.

I guess it's time.

I'll be back with some good stuff to share. So sit tight.

Oh & #LoveTrumpsHate 

Sweet Talk & Love

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Do Over!

Good Grief!  This day is just full of surprises. I want to run and hide under my bed. 

It's day 10 and according to the bio metric screening I just had... my weight hasn't changed since my doctor weighed me 3 months ago! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!

I don't drink sodas, I have eaten cleaner and leaner than I have in my life, drank a ton of water and I haven't had a hamburger in 3 weeks! No bread. No starch! 2 green smoothies a day and your telling me my weight hasn't change. But my digital scale at home says something soooo different. 

Am I doing something wrong??

So ready for this day to end ... rapidly! 

God help me. 

We'll talk later.

Sweet Talk & Love


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I am Still Here!

Hey There.....
I haven't forgotten to log my info for the last 3 days or 4. It's just been a bit crazy on my end. But I promise I have some stuff to share.

Tonight I will get my butt in front of the computer, laptop or tablet and let you in on what's been happening.

Just have a good day and try not to worry too much! #BeWell

Sweet Talk & Love

PS .. it's pretty cool I can do this from my cell phone... lol 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Day 4: WARNING Meltdown Ahead!

Oh Boy!!! This week has been a one big challenge after another. 

Today was my orthodontist appointment. Yes, I have braces. We'll save that story for another day. I got up, got ready, blended my smoothies, packed my lunch, made Hubby his breakfast, packed him a smoothie to blend for later and packed my snacks. I was all prepared. 

Ortho appointment was cool. Hubby went with me, so I was able to take the carpool lane back home. Dropped him off and headed to work. 

The Nightmare begins!

I am usually good about handling things at work. I don't know, but today I felt out of control.
I didn't want my smoothies. I ate all my snacks and couldn't get my water down. I only drank 32 oz. I was circling the drain. I didn't feel like I was going to make it.

I was late getting off and trying to make it home to listen to the call with JJ.

Then it happened.   

I walked in the door and everything that could be wrong...was! The our toilet that was fixed the night before was leaking. I couldn't listen to JJ because it kept freezing. Lastly as I was washing my favorite mug.. 


God only knew I needed a real break.

I took a step back and look at the cup in my hand, broken and it made me want to cry and run! I felt as broken as this cup. I even hit the wall and said a explicit word. LOL I was soo hurt.

What was I going to do? I couldn't finish out the night mad at the world. I stopped listening to JJ and turned to Pandora.
My Hubby was so sweet. He gave me a hug.
With his hug and my music my nerves settled. My center returned to ... Normal. At least I think it did. HAHAHA...

Okay Stacy, wrap it up get to the point.

Life is challenging. Making changes is challenging. People and things can derail you if you let them. Don't let them.  I could have easily ate a burger with my hubby, but I didn't. I manage to whip up some spaghetti squash, spinach, onion, garlic and pesto in a skillet. Tossed it around a few times and threw it in a bowl. It didn't come without the snacking on three tators and a piece of bacon. Yeah, I know, but guess what It's okay! I'm not perfect. 

If God allows it, I'll make it a better day tomorrow. 

Good Night. 

Sweet Talk & Love